Translated by Stephen MacKenna and B. S. Page.
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126 pages - You are on Page 81
3. The Whiteness, therefore, in a human being is, clearly, to be classed not as a quality but as an activity — the act of a power which can make white; and similarly what we think of as qualities in the Intellectual Realm should be known as activities; they are activities which to our minds take the appearance of quality from the fact that, differing in character among themselves, each of them is a particularity which, so to speak, distinguishes those Realities from each other.
What, then, distinguishes Quality in the Intellectual Realm from that here, if both are Acts?
The difference is that these [“Quality-Activities”] in the Supreme do not indicate the very nature of the Reality [as do the corresponding Activities here] nor do they indicate variations of substance or of [essential] character; they merely indicate what we think of as Quality but in the Intellectual Realm must still be Activity.
In other words this thing, considered in its aspect as possessing the characteristic property of Reality is by that alone recognised as no mere Quality. But when our reason separates what is distinctive in these [“Quality-Activities”] — not in the sense of abolishing them but rather as taking them to itself and making something new of them — this new something is Quality: reason has, so to speak, appropriated a portion of Reality, that portion manifest to it on the surface.
Reference address : https://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plotinus/enneads-2.asp?pg=81