From Hutton Webster's, Early European History (1917); edited for this on-line publication, by ELLOPOS
Em. Macron, Rediscovering the Path to Europe I. THE LANDS OF THE WEST AND THE RISE OF GREECE TO ABOUT 500 B.C. * Physical Europe * Greece and the Aegean * The Aegean Age (to about 1100 B.C.) * The Homeric Age (about 1100-750 B.C.) * Early Greek Religion * Religious Institutions—Oracles and Games * The Greek City-State * The Growth of Sparta (to 500 B.C.) * The Growth of Athens (to 500 B.C.) * Colonial Expansion of Greece (about 750-500 B.C.) * Bonds of Union among the Greeks II. THE GREAT AGE OF THE GREEK REPUBLICS TO 362 B.C. * The Perils of Hellas * Expeditions of Darius against Greece * Xerxes and the Great Persian War * Athens under Themistocles, Aristides, and Cimon * Athens under Pericles * The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. * The Spartan and Theban Supremacies, 404-362 B.C. * Decline of the City-State III. MINGLING OF EAST AND WEST AFTER 359 B.C. * Philip and the Rise of Macedonia * Demosthenes and the End of Greek Freedom * Alexander the Great * Conquest of Persia and the Far East, 334-323 B.C. * The Work of Alexander * Hellenistic Kingdoms and Cities * The Hellenistic Age * The Graeco-Oriental World » Next Page of the Contents
* Physical Europe * Greece and the Aegean * The Aegean Age (to about 1100 B.C.) * The Homeric Age (about 1100-750 B.C.) * Early Greek Religion * Religious Institutions—Oracles and Games * The Greek City-State * The Growth of Sparta (to 500 B.C.) * The Growth of Athens (to 500 B.C.) * Colonial Expansion of Greece (about 750-500 B.C.) * Bonds of Union among the Greeks
* The Perils of Hellas * Expeditions of Darius against Greece * Xerxes and the Great Persian War * Athens under Themistocles, Aristides, and Cimon * Athens under Pericles * The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. * The Spartan and Theban Supremacies, 404-362 B.C. * Decline of the City-State
* Philip and the Rise of Macedonia * Demosthenes and the End of Greek Freedom * Alexander the Great * Conquest of Persia and the Far East, 334-323 B.C. * The Work of Alexander * Hellenistic Kingdoms and Cities * The Hellenistic Age * The Graeco-Oriental World
Cf. The Ancient Greece * The Ancient Rome Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) * Western Medieval Europe * Renaissance in Italy
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