from Poems 1916-18, * Translated by Elpenor * Greek Fonts
"Lo[r]d Jesus Christ". A "So[u]l" I discern. "In the mo[nth] Athyr" "Leukiu[s] s[le]pt". At the mention of the age "He li[ve]d years", the Kappa Zeta* shows that young slept he. Amidst the perished words I see "Hi[m] Alexandrean". Afterwards three lines are there very mutilated; but some words I drag - like "t[e]ars of ours", "grief", then "tears" again, and "for [u]s the [f]riends sorrow". It seems to me that Leukius great love behind him left. In the month Athyr Leukius slept.
* KZ in Greek denotes 27.
Ἐν τῷ μηνὶ Ἀθὺρ Μὲ δυσκολία διαβάζω στὴν πέτρα τὴν ἀρχαία. "Κύ[ρι]ε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ". Ἕνα "Ψυ[χ]ὴν" διακρίνω. "Ἐν τῷ μη[νὶ] Ἀθὺρ" "ὁ Λεύκιο[ς] ἐ[κοιμ]ήθη". Στὴ μνεία τῆς ἡλικίας "Ἐβί[ωσ]εν ἐτῶν", τὸ Κάππα Ζῆτα δείχνει ποὺ νέος ἐκοιμήθη. Μὲς στὰ φθαρμένα βλέπω "Αὐτὸ[ν] ... Ἀλεξανδρέα". Μετὰ ἔχει τρεῖς γραμμὲς πολὺ ἀκρωτηριασμένες· μὰ κάτι λέξεις βγάζω - σὰν "δ[ά]κρυα ἡμῶν", "ὀδύνην", κατόπιν πάλι "δάκρυα", καὶ "[ἡμ]ῖν τοῖς [φ]ίλοις πένθος". Μὲ φαίνεται ποὺ ὁ Λεύκιος μεγάλως θ' ἀγαπήθη. Ἐν τῷ μηνὶ Ἀθὺρ ὁ Λεύκιος ἐκοιμήθη.
Cf. SAPPHO : Dearest Earth's offspring and Heaven's ||| PLATO : Lovers |
Reference address : https://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/modern/cavafy_athyr.asp