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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

Three Millennia of Greek Literature


Cyril of Alexandria : BECOMING TEMPLES OF GOD

from the Commentary to the Holy Gospel of John, Pusey v.1,p.75, 1.512/2.367, 2.307, 2.366-7, 2.469, 2.475
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The Original Greek New Testament
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They will be near God and somehow in the first places near Him more than anyone else, those who have their heart clean, on whom the Saviour himself says He bestows a great award, when He says that the clean in heart will be blessed, because they will see God. I’ll call to testify that this word is true, this most wise [John the] Evangelist, because he has seen the Glory of Christ, according to his saying, I have seen His glory, he says, glory as of the only-begotten from his Father, full of grace and truth. No one can gather with the eyes of the body the nature that is absolutely invisible to all creation. According to the Saviour’s saying, no one ever saw the Father, except Him who is from the Father, that is the Son; He has seen the Father. Those who have their mind clean from the worldly stain and the passing care, I mean the care about this life, to them the Christ reveals His glory through a thin somehow and above the mind theory, inside which He also reveals the glory of the Father.

πλησίον οὖν ἄρα Θεοῦ καὶ ἐν πρώτοις ὥσπερ ἔσονται τόποις τοῖς παρ΄ αὐτῷ μάλιστα δὴ πάντων οἱ τὴν καρδίαν ἔχοντες καθαρὰν͵ οἷς καὶ ἐξαίρετον ἀπονέμει γέρας καὶ αὐτὸς ὁ Σωτήρ͵ μακαρίους ἔσεσθαι λέγων τοὺς καθαροὺς τῇ καρδίᾳ͵ ὅτι αὐτοὶ τὸν Θεὸν ὄψονται. καὶ παροίσομεν εἰς ἀπόδειξιν τοῦ ἀληθῶς εἰρῆσθαι τὸν λόγον͵ αὐτὸν δὴ τουτονὶ τὸν σοφώτατον Εὐαγγελιστήν. τεθέαται γὰρ τὴν δόξαν Χριστοῦ͵ κατὰ τὴν αὐτοῦ φωνήν Τεθέαμαι γὰρ τὴν δόξαν αὐτοῦ͵ φησὶ͵ δόξαν ὡς Μονογενοῦς παρὰ Πατρός͵ πλήρης χάριτος καὶ ἀληθείας. οὐ γὰρ δὴ τοῖς τοῦ σώματος ὀφθαλμοῖς ἐπαθρήσαι τις ἂν τὴν ὅλῃ κτίσει παντελῶς ἀθέατον φύσιν. οὐ γὰρ ἑώρακέ τις τὸν Πατέρα͵ κατὰ τὴν τοῦ Σωτῆρος φωνήν͵ εἰ μὴ ὁ ὢν παρὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ· τουτέστιν ὁ Υἱός· οὗτος ἑώρακε τὸν Πατέρα. τοῖς γεμὴν κηλῖδος τῆς κοσμικῆς καὶ φροντίδος εἰκαίας͵ τῆς ἐν τῷδε τῷ βίῳ φημί͵ τὸν νοῦν ἔχουσιν ἀπηλλαγμένον͵ διὰ λεπτῆς ἄρα καὶ τάχα τῆς ὑπὲρ νοῦν θεωρίας τὴν οἰκείαν δόξαν ἀποκαλύπτει Χριστός͵ δεικνὺς ἐν αὐτῇ καὶ τὴν τοῦ Πατρός.

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