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Greek History



Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House

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Icons and Chant (Church of Greece) * Singing with the Angels: Foundation Documents as Evidence for Musical Life in Monasteries of the Byzantine Empire, by Rosemary Dubowchik (pdf) * Early Christian and Byzantine Music, by Dimitri Conomos

Charles Diehl, Byzantine Art * The Power of Symbolism in Byzantine Art, by Isabelle Sabau * Byzantine Art - An Introduction (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

A Dictionary of Orthodox Terminology


The History of Byzantine Literature, by Karl Krumbacher (introductory sections, translated by D. Jenkins and D. Bachrach).

Valuation and Knowledge of Greek, by W. Berschin.

A Bibliography on Byzantine Literature

Knowledge of Greek in Western Europe During the Earlier Middle Ages, by M. Laistner.

Byzantine Gardens and Horticulture, by C. N. Constantinides (pdf)

Economic history of Byzantium, edited by A. Laiou (Dumbarton Oaks, full version is available in print, and free online, pdf)

Timeline Byzantium

Byzantium : The 'alternative' history of Europe, by David Turner.

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