Translated by John Patrick.
This Part: 115 Pages
Page 68
Therefore he is not altogether gained, nor will he altogether perish. But what at all he will suffer, who at first did not hear, but required witnesses, or even refused to hear these, but was brought to the church, God knows; for we do not declare it, according to the precept, "Judge not that ye be not judged," [6024] "until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and make manifest the counsels of the hearts." [6025] But, with reference to the seeming harshness in the case of those who have committed less sins, one might say that it is not possible for him who has not heard twice in succession to hear the third time, so as, on this account, no longer to be as a Gentile or a publican, or no longer to stand in need of the censure in presence of all the church. For we must bear in mind this, "So it is not the will of My Father in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." [6026] For if "we must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad," [6027] let each one with all his power do what he can so that he may not receive punishment for more evil things done in the body, even if he is going to receive back for all the wrongs which he has done; but it should be our ambition to procure the reward for a greater number of good deeds, since "with what measure we mete, it shall be measured to us," [6028] and, "according to the works of our own hands shall it happen unto us," [6029] and not in infinite wise, but either double or sevenfold shall sinners receive for their sins from the hand of the Lord; since He does not render unto any one according to the works of his hands, but more than that which he has done, for "Jerusalem," as Isaiah taught, "received from the hand of the Lord double for her sins;" [6030] but the neighbours of Israel, whoever they may be, will receive sevenfold, according to the following expression in the Psalms, "Render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom the reproach with which they have reproached Thee, O Lord." [6031] And other forms of payment in return could be found, which, if we apprehend, we shall know that to repent after any sin, whatever its greatness, is advantageous, in order that, in addition to our not being punished for more offences, there may be some hope left to us concerning good deeds done afterwards at some time, even though, before them, thousands of errors have been committed by anyone of us. For it would be strange that evil deeds should be reckoned to any one, but the better which are done after the bad should profit nothing; which may also be learned from Ezekiel, [6032] by those who pay careful consideration to the things said about such cases.
[6024] Matt. vii. 1.
[6025] 1 Cor. iv. 5.
[6026] Matt. xviii. 14.
[6027] 2 Cor. v. 10.
[6028] Matt. vii. 2.
[6029] Isa. iii. 11.
[6030] Isa. xl. 2.
[6031] Ps. lxxix. 12.
[6032] Ezek. xxxiii.
Reference address : https://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/fathers/origen/matthew-commentary-2.asp?pg=68