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ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word

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PATROLOGIA GRAECA Contents - Page 6 » This way to download the actual PG volumes
The Original Greek New Testament

PG 65: Severianus, Theophilus, Palladius, Philostorgius, Atticus, Proclus, Flavianus, Marcus Eremita, Marcus Diadochus, and Marcus Diaconus

PG 66: Theodore of Mopsuestia, Synesius of Cyrene, and Arsenius

PG 67: Socrates and Sozomenus

PG 68: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 69: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 70: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 71: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 72: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 73: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 74: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 75: Cyril of Alexandria

PG 76: Cyril of Alexandria


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The Original Greek New Testament

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