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PATROLOGIA GRAECA Contents - Page 4 » This way to download the actual PG volumes
The Original Greek New Testament

PG 33: Cyril of Jerusalem, with Apollinaris of Laodicea, Diodorus of Tarsus, etc.

PG 34: Macarius of Egypt and Macarius of Alexandria

PG 35: Gregory of Constantinople the Theologian

PG 36: Gregory of Constantinople the Theologian

PG 37: Gregory of Constantinople the Theologian

PG 38: Gregory of Constantinople the Theologian, with Caesarius

PG 39: Didymus the Blind, Amphilochius Iconiensis, and Nectarius

PG 40: Egyptian Fathers: Anthony the Great, Pachomius, Serapion, etc.

PG 41: Epiphanius

PG 42: Epiphanius

PG 43: Epiphanius, with Nonnus Panopolitanus

PG 44: Gregory of Nyssa

PG 45: Gregory of Nyssa

PG 46: Gregory of Nyssa


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The Original Greek New Testament

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