Persons of the dialogue: Socrates - Phaedrus = Note by Elpenor |
53 Pages
Page 3
Phaedr. Enough; I see that I have no hope of practising my art upon you. But if I am to read, where would you please to sit?
Soc. Let us turn aside and go by the Ilissus; we will sit down at some quiet spot.
Phaedr. I am fortunate in not having my sandals, and as you never have any, I think that we may go along the brook and cool our feet in the water; this will be the easiest way, and at midday and in the summer is far from being unpleasant.
Soc. Lead on, and look out for a place in which we can sit down.
Phaedr. Do you see the tallest plane - tree in the distance?
Soc. Yes.
Phaedr. There are shade and gentle breezes, and grass on which we may either sit or lie down.
Soc. Move forward.
Phaedr. I should like to know, Socrates, whether the place is not somewhere here at which Boreas is said to have carried off Orithyia from the banks of the Ilissus?
Soc. Such is the tradition.
Phaedr. And is this the exact spot? The little stream is delightfully clear and bright; I can fancy that there might be maidens playing near.
Soc. I believe that the spot is not exactly here, but about a quarter of a mile lower down, where you cross to the temple of Artemis, and there is, I think, some sort of an altar of Boreas at the place.
Phaedr. I have never noticed it; but I beseech you to tell me, Socrates, do you believe this tale?
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Reference address : https://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/greek-texts/ancient-greece/plato/plato-phaedrus.asp?pg=3
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