Plato : GORGIASPersons of the dialogue: Callicles - Socrates - Chaerephon
Gorgias - Polus = Note by Elpenor |
This Part: 24 Pages
Part 3 Page 7
Soc. Then restraint or chastisement is better for the soul than intemperance or the absence of control, which you were just now preferring?
Cal. I do not understand you, Socrates, and I wish that you would ask some one who does.
Soc. Here is a gentleman who cannot endure to be improved or to subject himself to that very chastisement of which the argument speaks!
Cal. I do not heed a word of what you are saying, and have only answered hitherto out of civility to Gorgias.
Soc. What are we to do, then? Shall we break off in the middle?
Cal. You shall judge for yourself.
Soc. Well, but people say that "a tale should have a head and not break off in the middle," and I should not like to have the argument going about without a head; please then to go on a little longer, and put the head on.
Cal. How tyrannical you are, Socrates! I wish that you and your argument would rest, or that you would get some one else to argue with you.
Soc. But who else is willing? - I want to finish the argument.
Cal. Cannot you finish without my help, either talking straight on, or questioning and answering yourself?
Soc. Must I then say with Epicharmus, "Two men spoke before, but now one shall be enough"? I suppose that there is absolutely no help. And if I am to carry on the enquiry by myself, I will first of all remark that not only, but all of us should have an ambition to know what is true and what is false in this matter, for the discovery of the truth is common good. And now I will proceed to argue according to my own notion. But if any of you think that I arrive at conclusions which are untrue you must interpose and refute me, for I do not speak from any knowledge of what I am saying; I am an enquirer like yourselves, and therefore, if my opponent says anything which is of force, I shall be the first to agree with him. I am speaking on the supposition that the argument ought to be completed; but if you think otherwise let us leave off and go our ways.
Gor. I think, Socrates, that we should not go our ways until you have completed the argument; and this appears to me to be the wish of the rest of the company; I myself should very much like to hear what more you have to say.
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