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Plato : GORGIASPersons of the dialogue: Callicles - Socrates - Chaerephon
Gorgias - Polus
This Part: 24 Pages
Part 3 Page 2
Cal. I do not differ; on the contrary, I agree; for in that way I shall soonest bring the argument to an end, and shall oblige my friend Gorgias.
Soc. And is this notion true of one soul, or of two or more?
Cal. Equally true of two or more.
Soc. Then a man may delight a whole assembly, and yet have no regard for their true interests?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. Can you tell me the pursuits which delight mankind - or rather, if you would prefer, let me ask, and do you answer, which of them belong to the pleasurable class, and which of them not? In the first place, what say you of flute-playing? Does not that appear to be an art which seeks only pleasure, Callicles, and thinks of nothing else?
Cal. I assent.
Soc. And is not the same true of all similar arts, as, for example, the art of playing the lyre at festivals?
Cal. Yes.
Soc. And what do you say of the choral art and of dithyrambic poetry? - are not they of the same nature? Do you imagine that Cinesias the son of Meles cares about what will tend to the moral improvement of his hearers, or about what will give pleasure to the multitude?
Cal. There can be no mistake about Cinesias, Socrates.
Soc. And what do you say of his father, Meles the harp-player? Did he perform with any view to the good of his hearers? Could he be said to regard even their pleasure? For his singing was an infliction to his audience. And of harp playing and dithyrambic poetry in general, what would you say? Have they not been invented wholly for the sake of pleasure?
Cal. That is my notion of them.
Soc. And as for the Muse of Tragedy, that solemn and august personage - what are her aspirations? Is all her aim and desire only to give pleasure to the spectators, or does she fight against them and refuse to speak of their pleasant vices, and willingly proclaim in word and song truths welcome and unwelcome? - which in your judgment is her character?
Gorgias Part 1 / 2 of 3. You are at Part 3
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