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Three Millennia of Greek Literature

Euripides' RHESUS Complete

Translated by E. Coleridge.

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The Original Greek New Testament
44 pages - You are on Page 2

Chorus: To Hector's couch away, one of you wakeful squires that tend
the prince, to see if he have any fresh tidings from the warriors
who were set to guard the assembled host during the fourth watch of
the night. (Calls to Hector in the tent) Lift up thy head! Prop
thine arm beneath it! Unseal that louring eye from its repose; thy
lowly couch of scattered leaves, O Hector, quit! 'Tis time to hearken.
(Enter Hector.)

Hector: Who goes there? Is it a friend who calls? Who art thou? Thy
watchword? Speak! Who in the dark hours comes nigh my couch, must
tell me who he is.

Chorus: Sentinels we of the army.

Hector: Why this tumultuous haste?

Chorus: Be of good courage.

Hector: Is there some midnight ambuscade?

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