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Casals, Fournier, Navarra & Rostropovich on Bach's Suites for solo cello
Featuring streaming audio excerpts of all the performances


... I must admit, I felt rather awkward when it came to my turn to comment on Rostropovich's performance; that recording had become legendary even before it was made, so -using Rostropovich's words- "I had to pluck up my courage" to collect the recordings I needed and to start listening to them.

    So, here, on my CD player, together with the  Rostropovich were the performances of three eminent cellists that I had already chosen: Pablo Casals, Pierre Fournier and Andre Navarra. Listening to them has been a memorable experience to me. It has never happened to me before to listen in succession to a series of interpreters offering me such a summation of musical wealth on one work, and a difficult and overplayed work at that...

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        Cf. ||| ||| ||| ||| Byzantium in Modern Popular Music. |||



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